How do I power FC and Rx on XAircraft 650v?


First post and a totally clueless RC noob who's just choked his new Spektrum AR6100e with 11.1v!

Thought I'd get a kit as this is my first foray into RC flight and I'm finding all the terminology a little daunting.

Didn't check the voltage range on the Rx, and no info on product or in manual (as far as I can see), hence toasting it whilst trying to bind.

How should I power the Rx and FC?


Drone Enthusiast
I had the same question! When you plug the battery in to the harness it gets power through the esc. leads. In otherwords there is a built in bec in the fc. Also, you don't need battery power when you plug in the usb as that gives the fc enough juice to calibrate.

Why don't manuals have this simple info?!
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Yes, there does seem to be a shortage of info in this area.

The X650v comes with a battery harness with 5 outlets, 4 of which hook up to the ESC's, but no hint of what to do with the 5th. After smoking the receiver, I clearly need some guidance on how to wire this thing correctly.

Yes, there does seem to be a shortage of info in this area.

The X650v comes with a battery harness with 5 outlets, 4 of which hook up to the ESC's, but no hint of what to do with the 5th. After smoking the receiver, I clearly need some guidance on how to wire this thing correctly.

The 5th plug is an auxillary output from the 11.1v Main Flight battery, CAN be used for any LOW Amp Device like: LED Lighting, External Camera which runs on 12v or a 12v Video TX for FPV ETC. If you need any further assistance feel free to contact me via PM here !! THANKS Jeffery.

Hope you enjoy your XAircraft Product we are working on more user friendly and complete Emglish instructions.

It is difficult to SMOKE an RX with this setup. Other critical information is part of the radio owners manual and is explained in the owners manual of your RX/TX, This is out of the control of XAircraft. All TX/RX systems wire differently. You could have put 11.1 battery power directly into your RX. The RX generally will take Approximately 6v and is powered from the BEC's off the ESC provided with the kit. X450, X450 Pro, X650v-4 and X650v-8 also power is provided from the ESC-A4 provided with X650G and C models.

Here is COMPLETE wiring diagram of the X650V-4, X650V-8 ... MUST be sure the Grounding lead of all RX and ESC/BEC leads face the outside edge of the FC1212-S and is drawn on the FC-1212 and also outlined completely on the drawing from the Manual.

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Thanks for the info Jeffrey. I've now managed to hook up everything correctly. So simple when you know the basics - which I don't!

The Rx came packed with the Spektrum DX6i and I was unable to find any info about operating voltages in the manual. The replacement Spektrum Rx from a local RC shop did have a very informative leaflet with it!
