Hoverfly Hoverfly GIMBAL pan not working. Please help!!


I have installed the Hoverfly GIMBAL on the PhotoHigher AV200 with the pan adaptor. It comes standard with the SAVOX servos on all three axis. Tilt and roll are working as they should with good stability in pitch and holding a level horizon. The pan is not working correctly. It will not hold in direction at all when the entire platform is rotated but does pan correctly via stick inputs from the radio. In other words the pan servo moves like a normal servo should but it has zero influences from the Hoverfly GIMBAL, i.e. no stability in pan. It is acting like a 2 axis gimbal. I presume this is not a Savox issue but a Hoverfly GIMBAL issue as I have even tried to swap both tilt and roll servos onto the pan output to rule out the servos as the problem. Any help on this would be appreciated as I am not having any luck with Hoverfly support.
Many thanks.


sounds like Ph's skyline gyro... They are selling and advertising as 3 axis control but only 2 are really working ;)
