XAircraft Hobbyking Fraud alart


I bought 3 items separately from Hobby king all of them defective none works waste of money and time when I contacted them they asked me to ship them back to China and it cost me double the price of the item for shipping even though they have a where house in USA but still
This is what they say before I buy from them in their web site

Other stores will force you to ship the product back to China in full retail packaging every time!
Hobbyking's warranty service is professional, fair and fast."

but they want u to ship it back to China they try to ship all the garages to you and they know that you cannot ship it back due to reshipping cost

never buy again from him scam fraud so I posted this to let all know so u do not fall for their scam


Active Member
I have had problems with HK in the past, they dont have customer services, but forum operators who run their customer service. I must however state that on a previous order, with a part missing they did take 3 months to sort me out, but also sent me a few nice freebies as an apology.

If you bought the parts from HK in USA, then your contract is with HK USA & that's where you should return them.

May I also say you need to ALWAYS pay via a credit card via paypal, this gives you twice the protection. If paypal dont refund, then your credit card will.

As much as I have had recent problems with them, you really cant beat the price they ask.


Active Member
I order from them. The key is to only order items that are in the US warehouse. No problems with returns then if something goes wrong. (if you live in the US)


i'm happy to buy reasonably low risk stuff from HK ie stuff which is unlikely to go wrong and doesn't need to be here in a hurry, like bags of XT60's, 2mm bullets, silicone and servo wire, heat shrink and lipoly packs.

It's hard to justify the local price for a single pair of XT60's when i can get a bag of 10 pairs for a similar price.
