hi there! from Christchurch new zealand


have joined to try figure out problems with dji a2 flight controller. at the moment it looks like it will go in the rubbish can someone suggest an alternative for commercial use? I have a tarot t960 hex 8.2kg auw flying on t motor u5 with t motor 15x5 props

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hi there! :nevreness:

Seems like lots of people are having problems with the A2 for some reason.

I highly recommend the Wookong with latest firmware and v2 IMU. Mine has worked flawlessly for over a year now.

What are your specific problems with the A2?


yes I think i will be going to the wooking buy the looks of things. had an unexplained crash on 2.1 firmware it was flying perfect until it just decided it wanted to pitch backwards and forwards uncontrollably until it crashed, upgraded to latest firmware did 3 test flights and all was good then had to do a demo for a realestate agent where the motors failed to arm so reset power and then motors did arm I took off to find I had no stick control. flicked it into failsafe and it flew itself about 200m away and crash landed itself. the flight logged shows that it went into waypoints mode... which is funny cos i do not have waypoints set up lol. lucky no injuries and minor damage but have lost all faith in dji and from what I can see on these forums alot of other people are having similar problems.
