Hi from Western NY

William Ball

New Member
Hello all,

Just got on board here. I have a question on the new Seriously pro f3 controller from Dominic Clifton, How do I contact him or is there someone on here running the SP3 with Cleanflight 1.9.? I've got the board working, I just can,t get the LED strip to work. I have watched painless 360's video series but my board does not perform as his does. Thanks all.


Drone Enthusiast
Welcome to Multirotorforums.com William!

I am not familiar with that FC, but it looks really interesting. What type of drone are you using it in?

Hopefully someone with some knowledge about this particular FC will chime in. You might be best posting a new thread with your specific question in the general multirotor section. It gets a bit more traffic for specific issues.

Have fun and fly safe!
