Mikrokopter Hexa 2 Powerboard and BL-Ctrl 2's


Did't want to post this straight into the for sale section as i'm just testing the water.

I'm having a bit of a funding drive for a Droidworx frame and having just finished, but not yet tested, a new XL powerboard and if testing goes ok i may well have my existing Hexa 2 board up for grabs.

BL-Ctrls are all in good working order, will take pics and provide more details if there's any interest, but this post is just to see whether it's an item someone might want to buy and if so what i might reasonably expect (?'s) for it?

In an ideal world i'd just keep it, but… etc etc


Drone Enthusiast
May be a good Idea to let us know what they have been driving.. Little motors or BIGUNS! :)
