Hello to all the MRF members

Just recently purchased a Blade Chroma and crashed it on my second outing. Being too impatient to wait on the new frame to arrive, I purchased a Yuneec Q500. The Chroma is back together now and having a blast with both of them.

I am hoping to build my next multirotor with lots of good info from all of you at MRF .

Any MRF members in Waco, Tx?


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Welcome to the site Noob! Waco, Texas isn't even close to NJ but feel free to make the drive and spend a Sunday afternoon with us flying in the beautiful NJ summer sun (maybe next year, come to think of it :) )

It's all good, fly what you've got and jump right in with the questions when you're ready to start building.


Thanks for the reply Bartman.
I just need to find some good info on parts selection to start building. There are so many options that I really don't know what will work best for me. I often get distracted by all the shiny bells and whistles. I need to start off with the easy stuff first and work my way up.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
take a minute to check out the Group Build 2014 thread in the Beginners' Lounge (almost 100,000 views!), it's got a ton of good info and should get you through your first build with ease.
