Hello from Holland, near Amsterdam



My name is J.P. van Popta, mostly known as JePe. At the time, I'm a freelance (internet) programmer, who's trying to 'switch' to photography/video productions. Main interest with photography is surfing (kite/wind/wave -> www.jepe.nl site is still in 're' development hehe ), which is done extensivily here nearby at Wijk aan Zee or IJmuiden. I mostly only shoot under extreme conditions, high winds, high waves :cool: . I did some surf photoprojects for O'Neill, and shot during the PKRA (kite) and PWA (windsurf).
I started to get interested in aerial photography when some facebook friends started to film from the sky. I hope to learn it to, so I could get an extra 'option' with photography/video... allthough you see the aerial production companies flooding the market here already, so competition is already high ...

I practised a bit on small Blade heli's to learn the basic. Started with the most difficult one, mCPx, which cost 2 mCPx on parts, but I finally manage to hold it still, and fly it around a bit hehe.. I bought a 120SR which flies way easier, and recent I bought the quad of Blade MQP , of which I destroyed 1 motor (anyone knowing a good replacement site for that quad?? ) ... if the bigger quad/hexa/octa's fly as easy as that Blade MQP, I'm very sure I can manage them hehe...

Btw, I don't have any 'big' multirotor just yet, so I'm orientating around. I'm already member on Mikrokopter.de, and see that they have nice multirotors. I'm looking for a multicopter, which can handle a 5DmkII and .... can take a lot of wind (since I definitely want to try it out at sea... would be awesome to follow a surfer other the usual GoPro sticked to the mast or beam, and shooting from the water has it's own problems ) ...

So if somebody can point me in the right direction :) The 5D is only for pictures, I already understood that filming with it under a multicopter is not practical (looking for the Sony 730 for that) .

Friend of mine has the very expensive quad X2 configuration (quad with 8 motors), should be less windaffected, but the company here in Holland asks a lot of money for it.... (same as Hoverfly)....
