Hello from Central Texas


Hello all, I 52 yo and always had a passion and have been a hobbyist photographer for many years. About 10 years ago I tried to get into ariel photography with electric Heli's. That didn't go so well. A few weeks back I ran into a guy shooting ariel photos and video with a quadcopter. I have been hooked since. I bought a little toy x4 to see if I can fly a quad and it wasn't too hard to get the hang of.

So here I am getting ready to order my build. I know I have tons to learn but to me that's part of the fun and challenge.​


I am a newbee too, just a little farther down this path as I have already basic tuned, flown a few times, and crashed a couple of times. If you have some RC heli experience it will help, especially if it was CP.


I am a newbee too, just a little farther down this path as I have already basic tuned, flown a few times, and crashed a couple of times. If you have some RC heli experience it will help, especially if it was CP.

My heli experience consist of ordering parts, waiting, building … then repeating the process again and again.

Now my little Hubsen X4 is a blast. I got it to see if I could fly a quadcopter. I can fly the battery out but it's gets hard when it's not facing away from me … but that's why I got it, for the practice.


Keep on practicing head-in/out, tail in/out , x side in, x side out; I do/did/redo, all the time, that's one reason I have 4 operational "toy" mini grades (3 axis stuff)... I fly outdoors every chance I get. Manual control flying- the basics. If one can fly manually and decently; at least when the "wire" fails you have a chance if you are LOS. The more I do these exercises the more natural and comfortable it becomes. It's better to crash the littler guys than the bigger guys. I know.


Keep on practicing head-in/out, tail in/out , x side in, x side out; I do/did/redo, all the time, that's one reason I have 4 operational "toy" mini grades (3 axis stuff)... I fly outdoors every chance I get. Manual control flying- the basics. If one can fly manually and decently; at least when the "wire" fails you have a chance if you are LOS. The more I do these exercises the more natural and comfortable it becomes. It's better to crash the littler guys than the bigger guys. I know.

Yes I will … I think I need to get one a little bigger than the Hubsen X4


Still Building!
Welcome rhoffart!

Great group of folks here!!!

Some of us are starting out as well and hopefully we can get your questions answered. This is such an amazing hobby/profession/addiction !


Mike :)


Welcome rhoffart!

Great group of folks here!!!

Some of us are starting out as well and hopefully we can get your questions answered. This is such an amazing hobby/profession/addiction !


Mike :)

Thanks Mike, it seems like a friendly place to be.

