Hello from Bel Air, Maryland

Donald Johansen

New Member
Hi I'm fairly new to Multirotor devices. I do own a Blade 350 QX V1 and a Dromedia Vista (second one of those). The first one got out of radio range and flew away never to be seen from again. Looking to upgrade to something with a camera. So many options to choose from so I'm joining some forums and doing some research.




Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com Don! We can help, make yourself at home and jump right in whenever you're ready. A great first build can be done by following along with what we did in this thread...........


NAZA-M V2 is still a good all around flight control system so if the plan it so get a camera in the air the NAZA will work well. If you want to be free to tinker and experiment with a greater variety of features the Pixhawk from 3D Robotics is a great value for the money and a very capable flight control system.

I've just flown my first NAZE32 board and that is also expandable to include additional features but it's been primarily used for FPV and more recently FPV racing.

