Greetings from Sydney Australia

Hi all,

Greeting from Sydney Australia.
I'm a bit of an RC nut.
Car racing for 12 years. Fixed wing for 3 years. Helis for 2 years, & now got the MR bug real bad!

Also bit of a DJI buff.
2 Phantoms, F450, F550 & S800 + Wookong + Z15 with NEX7
Also have a few little ones (MQX, NQX & DS Hornet).

Still getting my head around the Techno stuff but it's happening slowly.
The only thing that's doing my head in at the moment is BATTERIES & Chargers.
OMG. Getting good run times & charge times is a head spin.
Projects often mean 6 - 8 batteries & a bank of chargers (probably start a post in the near future - or perhaps someone can 'link me').

Now waiting on S800 EVO, and the data link system.
Can't wait to get around that.

Too much fun!!!


Where abouts in Sydney and where do you fly? I've been flying at the local park which has been getting really popular with the fixed wing guys. The result being that the local ranger is taking more of an interest after some (maybe one) of the locals complained to council.
