Greetings from Cambridgeshire, UK


New Member
I am shortly about to retire from work. I am keen to get into multi-rotor flying and have been ‘researching’ options for some time. I currently fly R/C fixed wing, R/C helicopters (in full size realistic type flight, no 3D jiggery poky), and also full size fixed wing (homebuilt).

I was initially considering getting a DJI Phantom, but would prefer to use my existing high-end Futaba 2.4 Tx (and I can do this with some versions of the Phantom). However I much prefer to scratch build, and also to have expansion options.

I have no specific ‘hard’ requirements, but initially just want to build and fly it, but want the option of then adding AV/AP capability (probably the ubiquitous GoPro), and also possibly FPV. Being based in the UK all FPV must be within LOS and accompanied by a ‘spotter’.

From what I can see my best non-Phantom options are TBS Discovery or QAV500 or the Sky-Hero Spyder 700 , and each seems to have its pros and cons, however I am favouring the QAV500 as a flying machine with the best hobby AV/AP possibilities, including adding a gimbal at a later date for the AV/AP.

Problem is that it seems that the Sky-Hero Spyder 700 & TBS Discovery are slightly better supported (i.e. dealers to buy from) in the UK, particularly from the perspective of getting advice and everything (best of breed/best for purpose) I need to get going, but my instincts tell me to go QAV500.

Strangely availability for both TBS and QAV seems very patchy (out of stock everywhere - don’t know why) but Phantoms are available by the lorry load, and Sky-Hero seems to have good availability.

Ideally I want a UK (or Europe) supplier, I don’t want the additional hassle and expense involved with VAT, customs and associated rip-off collection fees.

I have at least decided on the FC to go with – it will be AutoQuad. It looks to deliver super stable performance – even if setting it up looks a bit daunting – especially as I am not a coder. However having gone through the AutoQuad Wiki I feel confident I can do that.
