Global Drones Platform


New Member
Jobs4Drones wants to bring the “sharing economy” ethos to drones, which helps individuals and companies find and hire unmanned aerial vehicles for photo, film and video, inspection and mapping jobs, surveying, and other work.

Drones make it far easier, faster and safer to capture good aerial views with the required detail. What once took dangerous efforts can now be done in minutes or little hours. So are you looking for a special view of your event or your location, does your company or farm need to get a detailed inspection done? Drones can be a cost effective answer for one-off projects and once in a lifetime events. This website will help you to find the right drone pilot with the right material to realize your project and deliver the aerial views you need.

That’s why Jobs4Drones is launching its website and soon mobile app, which helps you in finding the right service for your aerial views, much like Uber lets you hire a car ride or AirBnb lets you rent a room. The goal is to make it easier for everyone to afford the expensive drone technology and in that process, help independent pilots make money from their drones.
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