I need some advice on picking a radio. Right now I have invested a lot of money in my multicopter, as many or all of you have too lol

I want to make sure my investment is as safe as possible which is the idea behind this post etc. I want to be able to fly out of "range" and have my copter return to my location and I have the Naza stuff to support that or will anyway once I get this radio. I have had my eyes on a brand new Futaba 8
FGH for $299 I found with no receiver. I also found a brand new Aurora Hitec for $249. I like that the Hitec has battery and telemetry data and also supports failsafe or RTH for Naza. The question is, which one is better over the long run and/or for UHF? I'm eventually moving to Ez UHF for UHF or a long range system for that matter in the future so keep that in mind. Anyone who's owned both? Your help is appreciated as I'm about to make a major purchase that I'll be stuck with for a long time. For reference I currently use a ANCIENT 6EX Futaba that I love but does not support failsafe other than the crappy throttle hold failsafe. Thanks![/QUO
Futaba Unfortunately they are terribly expensive. However the newer DJI FLIGHT controllers (A2, A3, N3) come with built in Receivers that only respond to the Futaba T14SG AND FUTABA T8FG transmitters. I think it's absolute crap that no one made me aware of this Monopoly prior to me investing in (3)A2 flight controllers. Fyi, what a disappointment the A2 flight controllers are. I've had to replace (4)LED BT modules already. 1 worked great, I have 2 complete A2 controller set ups that I can't get to work and DJI'S response," Hmmm, sorry, we don't have a response for that. Feel free to ship your DJI S900 with flight controller and transmitter, to DJI and at my cost they will look into what the issue is. Because according to them they have never ever, ever seen my issue before.
The issue I'm having is with my compass calibration . When I perform the 2 step calibration, the 1st part, horizontal 360°works just fine, light on L.E.D. switches from blue to green. Then I put the S900 nose down and begin turning clock wise at about 40°, i get the red blinking light of death. When this happens im no longer able to get the purple light back and the system is simply dead. Ive gone back into the assistant to try to find the problem and it shows nothing. I do the assistant IMU calibration ,but nothing fixes the compass calibration. Ive purchased 2 brand new GPS/Compasses from Amazon(not cheap @ $200 each) with no success. Ive swapped out the Mimi's, the pmu's, actual flight controller, GPS, IOSD MARKII and the DJIAV54 video transmitters. It is going to cost me a small fortune to ship these massive crafts but in the meantime, I have well over $10,000 sitting around collecting dust. I'm located in So Cal if anyone has any suggestions. I'm a small custom drone business and this is a substantial hit to me and my pocket book. Please HELP! THANKS