First flights


Merlin of Multirotors
Is it just me or does anyone else get a huge thrill from the first successful flight of a new build?

Used to be the first flight of a new heli was more a like few moments of sheer terror, being new to the game and not quite knowing what would happen once the skids left the ground, but that was years ago and now I look forward to that moment when the craft I've been slaving over for days, weeks, or months first takes to the air. Never fails to be a exciting time and even though the Hoverfly project was really just a move of electonics I had already flown many times into a new frame I still had that feeling of it being a first flight and a lot of fun!



I'm new to multicopters but am definitely getting thrills both from this... 1st time hitting come home from a distance and forcing myself to not control it was a bit sheer terror and then ... thrill. I just did an electric conversion of a Caliber 30, a heli I hadn't touched for 4 years. But the sound of the electric motor and the 1st hover was great!
