DX8 switch assignments


Forgive me for the stupid questions but I'm having trouble understanding the switch asignments for my DX8. Below are pics of the Switch select menu and a pic of the entire DX8 from manual. I'm confused on the naming of the certain switches. Reading the switch select menu.

What is Trainer switch on the Switch Select menu? On the manual it makes it appear like it's the bind button. But I thought that button was only a bind button and was not counted as a programmable switch. Once more if you count it, that would make 10 switches and the switch select menu only has 9 listed.
What is L trim? The manual makes it appear to be the Left trim but isn't that NOT a switch? On the manual one of the switches on the Left is labled Elevator D/R but I don't see that on the switch select menu. Same goes for Rudder D/R. By process of elimination I'm guess they are L Trim and R Trim respectively but I don't understand the labeling.

Sorry if this is a really stupid question.




Not a stupid question, but you do need to get more familiar with radios in general. You can assign any switch or button or knob, to do different things, all depending on how many channels you are working with. Spektrum can be a little confusing, if coming from another brand. I own a DX7s and a DX8. I like em.


Thanks for the reply. I got that part. What I don't understand is what a few of the switches correspond to on the Switch select menu because they don't match with anything on the remote. Namely the Trainer, L Trim and R Trim. So if I wanted to say assign one of those switches to say IOC or Return to Home, how do I know which switch on the transmitter I'm assigning it to?

You can assign any switch or button or knob, to do different things, all depending on how many channels you are working with. .
