Dover Fl/Tampa FL Multirotor EVENT 11/24/13

Attention all in Florida aera... I am going to be holding an event for multirotor this coming Sunday. .. i need everyone willing to attend please email me at so i can get ahead count. This is a test to see what kind of turn out we can get if all works well this will become either something that isdone either way once a week or once a month. The ideas for multirotors but we might also include helicopters and planes I need a list of all that's willing to comeAnd please also post here the address is Here is the address 14234 Haynes rd. Dover , FL 33527. There will be a $10.00
Fee. I will let everyone know a time by this Wed.


Welcome to!!
Attention all in Florida aera... I am going to be holding an event for multirotor this coming Sunday. .. i need everyone willing to attend please email me at so i can get ahead count. This is a test to see what kind of turn out we can get if all works well this will become either something that isdone either way once a week or once a month. The ideas for multirotors but we might also include helicopters and planes I need a list of all that's willing to comeAnd please also post here the address is Here is the address 14234 Haynes rd. Dover , FL 33527. There will be a $10.00
Fee. I will let everyone know a time by this Wed.

are you holding this at an RC field? what does the $10 cover?

This is a private property field that if all goes well we will be doing big events here. the fee is to help with the property owner for allowing us to fly there and to up maintenance and upkeep. I'm planning on trying to get sponsor's to give prizes and eventually have competitions. Plan on doing day and night flys and fpv but this one will be a day only event.

This is a private property field that if all goes well we will be doing big events here. the fee is to help with the property owner for allowing us to fly there and to up maintenance and upkeep. I'm planning on trying to get sponsor's to give prizes and eventually have competitions. Plan on doing day and night flys and fpv but this one will be a day only event.

My first thought is that a bit more notice would go a long way to making your event successful.
One week is well,,,, weak.
I'd love to come but not sure I can drop everything and be there.
You might also make notice on the multirotor forum.

Well it's going to be postponed for a few weeks In order to allow time for people to schedule the time off and so forth. I will post further info as I find a date that will work for others. It looks like it will be In January sometime. It is posted on rcgroups also.

Well it's going to be postponed for a few weeks In order to allow time for people to schedule the time off and so forth. I will post further info as I find a date that will work for others. It looks like it will be In January sometime. It is posted on rcgroups also.

Good Idea Zach. I'll watch for the notification or feel free to add me to any mailing list you develop.
Have you considered doing this in conjunction with the local flying club?
Many are always looking for someone to organize an event.


To be up front I really don't know many of the flight clubs but I would be interested in talking with someone from the club's. I ready think I kit just do multirotors. I am going to use the time to plan on holding competitions and maybe even doing a night fly. But we shall see. I will keep everyone in the know. Thanks so much. Also if anyone would like to just free fly with me they are more then and to get sold of me and we can fly together.
