DJI Propulsion system with TBS Discovery


New Member
Has anyone tried the propulsion systems with the disco frames? They seem fairly lightweight and easy to set-up and the self-tightening props would be great for traveling.

If anyone has tested them, I'd love to hear your feedback and perhaps how the E300 compares to the 900kv TBS alternative?

E600 could also be an interesting option along with the arm extensions, but seeing as Trappy has new super motors with 6S-setup coming shortly, I guess that won't be relevant :p

Please share your thought and/or experiences!




I have the e300 on two tbs frames, one with naza v2 and one with zerouav ys-x6. These replaced the original tbs motors with 9" graupners.
in both cases, I find a much more steady flight characteristic, both frames feel more locked in. I use these combinations for mild fpv, not aerobatics, and for this I prefer them over the original tbs combination. There is added flight time as well, easily an additional 4 minutes on the 4s/4000 batteries I use.
Added flight time and easy prop removal makes the e300 ideal for my use.
