That is correct Motoxer311. I was barely showing the AVL58 nomenclature to allow for mini OSD connection to the video downlink. Your information is very useful in the integration process. I also agree that you have to be imaginative and that you rapidly develop your soldering skills when you get involved with MR video downlink.
Equally important, the antennas' SMA connector on the AVL58 Tx is relatively fragile. The actual soldering on the PC board can easily be snapped off if you apply too much pressure screwing your antenna on or bending the semi-rigid coaxial wire leading to the cloverleaf antenna. Any type of impact (hard landing or mishaps) or vibrations (unbalanced props) can also snap off the weak soldering. It happened to me twice and I have 2 customers that reported the same problem (that I repaired afterwards). A generous application of dielectric liquid tape between the connector and the back cover can greatly reduce the damage possibility in this area.
If the quality of your image is great until your start your motors.... have a look at this location for broken connector legs/soldering and you will likely solve your problem. Soldering in this area require a super fine tip/low heat soldering iron and a good mignifying lens/goggles.
Hoping this helps,