Confirm RTH Should Work....

Hi guys,
I'm running a Flame wheel 450, Stock DJI 2212 motors, Woo-Kong controller, DX7 transmitter and she flies great. I am ready to test the RTH feature and just had a few last minute questions. I will allow the device to lock onto all Sat's - I will take off in GPS mode.

01). Must I fly a specific distance away from the take off point?
02). In the event somethings goes wrong, can I flip the RTH switch off and go back to manual control?
03). In the RTH mode, will the aircraft climb up then come home or is that just in FAILSAFE mode?
04). Whenever in the RTH mode, may I switch it off and take over via the sticks?

Appreciate your help and advice friends -


Merlin of Multirotors
Hi guys,
I'm running a Flame wheel 450, Stock DJI 2212 motors, Woo-Kong controller, DX7 transmitter and she flies great. I am ready to test the RTH feature and just had a few last minute questions. I will allow the device to lock onto all Sat's - I will take off in GPS mode.

01). Must I fly a specific distance away from the take off point?
02). In the event somethings goes wrong, can I flip the RTH switch off and go back to manual control?
03). In the RTH mode, will the aircraft climb up then come home or is that just in FAILSAFE mode?
04). Whenever in the RTH mode, may I switch it off and take over via the sticks?

Appreciate your help and advice friends -

When I test RTH I usually go out about 30 to 40 feet, not sure there's a minimum distance required other than it won't rotate to face the take off point within some fairly small distance, it just flys backwards in that case.

Should things go wrong just quickly flip the switch back to manual mode and then you can go back to atti or even GPS mode and have control back, I would suggest just going back to atti and flying it back from wherever it was headed.

With the later versions of firmware the height of the RTH is configurable, on older versions if below 20 meters it would go up to that height, above that it will stay at the current altitude, not sure what version it became configurable in.

Yes, anytime it's in RTH you can quickly flip back to manual to shutoff RTH and then back to whatever mode you want including staying in manual mode if you prefer.

First time I test RTH on any flight controller I go a minimum of 20 to 30 feet horizontally and vertically to about 50 feet then engage, that seems to be a good distance and height to be able to recover in the event it starts heading off into the sunset or does something crazy. Being further away only reduces the amount of time it takes before you can't tell orientation any more so closer is better in that regard, and the altitude should be enough to be able to react should it just decide to head downward although I've never had one do that without also moving horizontally, usually very rapidly...


Hi Ken and thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge... I feel better knowing some of these answers and will go out this weekend and give her a test. Thanks again for your help..
