Mikrokopter Can you replace Robbe ROXXY 2827-35 bearings ?


After a hard life and the odd crash, the bearings on the 2827-35 motors on our MK Hexakopter sound decidedly rough. That is all except the rear, motor4, which has always been pointing in a safe direction when trouble has hit the others. So I need to know if it is possible or practical to replace the bearings. If so, then what type, size and how ?


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Go to the boca bearing site and look through their motor list....the roxxy's should be there
they're a bit of a challenge to get out but ok once you come up with aa technique that works
Careful putting the new ones in or their case bends then they're no better than the ones you just took out


Thanks for the lead, Bartman.
The Boca site is a mine of information.
Since I'm in the UK, I used the info to track down a local bearings supplier. You would not believe how hard it is to find miniature imperial ball bearings in the country that invented the inch !
For any UK members, the company is www.arceurotrade.co.uk.
I've ordered enough to replace all the bearings and I'll let everyone know how I get on


Got the bearings today. Good service from www.arceurotrade.co.uk. Fitted them to 5 motors. Used a hammer,small screwdriver and the open jaws of an adjustable spanner. Removed the larger one first to get better access to remove the smaller. Pressed the new bearings in with a mid sized G clamp. All quite straight forward and easy.......however one circlip sprang off when removing it. Can't find it !!. Luckily had a similar sized one in my box of bits and with a small amount of grinding got it to fit. Not the perfect solution but has allowed me to check the new bearings out. The difference is very marked, all the motors now whirrrrr rather than chatter. Flight test tomorrow.
So ... has anyone a spare circlip for a roxxy 2827-35 motor or a clue how to buy some.
