Hoverfly Can a Hoverfly Sport be positioned on the airframe away from the center?


Hey all, does anyone know if a HoverFly Sport can be positioned off to the side of an airframe?
I am reviewing a Foxtech Glyder 600 for RCGroups.com and I want to use my HFS board on it.
It's a "Stedicam" type rig where the center is occupied by the camera stabilization balance rig.
So the FC sits about 5" to the left of center.

Anyone know if this will this cause me any issues?

Thanks in advance.


Drone Enthusiast
try it!

How is it they mention they use the Ecilop mechanism but basically stole the idea? I doubt they pay rights for any of the ideas they steal.


I know. All those guys steal from each other. One of the best parts of my day is when 1 guy from China complains about the other guy from China who copied their product which is a copy of another product.

BTW.. the thing is pretty cool, but what a PIA.... there is no room to mount anything. I love my job, but sometimes... I'd rather NOT.


Yes, I had a hex with the HFP mounted at least 4-5" from the center and it worked fine. I now have it centered and haven'e seen a difference, (except it's a PITA to get to for updates now!)

They mention in the manual that it doesn't need to be centered.
