F550 Hexacopter
Hi to everybody,
I've owned an AR Drone 2.0 for a year now and want to move onto something more serious.
I'm considering a DJI 550 hexacopter and would like to get a fairly substantial setup from the off as I can't afford trial and error. I'd like long distance, plenty of flight time, good 2 axis camera gimbal for a go pro, I'd like FPV too
can anyone offer advice to me about what to go for
Hello Avenger,
Good to see you have had some activity on this thread. The AR drone was one of the first multirotors I ever saw. If you are new to the forum I would have a look at this 'group build thread':
If you are not especially familiar with the terminology I would refer to this link:
For a start on batteries go here:
Also learn how to construct effective searches there is a lot of information here.
The group build thread is now long (54 pages with 536 posts), but I was there at the beginning and it was very helpful. I am interested in building my own multirotor and after following the posts I started to plan my first build. At the time there was a DJI F550 package that was offered: it included a landing gear, a gimbal for a gopro (that could be used as an FPV system), a Naza version 2 set-up. I added a video transmitter, a diversity monitor with built in receiver, and a good radio. I powered it with nano tech 4S 6000 mAh batteries that I used as a pair (don't forget a charger). Later I bought a aeroxcraft landing gear set that acts as a platform for the GoPro gimbal and a battery holder that is relatively easy to balance. I would also suggest that you establish a rapport with one or more of the vendors listed on the forum if possible. In my brief experience building multirotors; there is no 'one-stop shop' for all the parts that you will need so there will be a whole suite of stores to look through. We stand on the shoulders of remote control aircraft enthusiasts (and their vendors); it has helped us out and affords a lot of choice. Also the most important for me is to keep a document log of what you read and the associated links that are important to your specific needs and interests.
I have moved a few things around on my F550 and got a better position for my video and receiver antennas, and added some telemetry. Flight times for me with the bare bones system were about 19 - 20 minutes, now with the fully dressed system it is 13 to 15 minutes. I have had a few crashes, especially when taking off and flying contours, as well as some hard landings. Part of the learning curve and a reason to start simple; your AR Drone may have helped you over this.
I hope this helps -
Here are some photos of my F550 rig:
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