Bonjour from France, south-west where the food is good !


New Member
Hi everyone !

I am Jason and I have an old battered and abused 330x........

And of course plenty of other flying stuff, mostly with wings and high revving nitro engines :)
Plenty still in boxes, some stuff impossible to find and crafted by some highly skilled and talented people who excell in composite fabrication.

But, on the other hand, I suck big time when it comes to woodcrafting LOL :black_eyed:

So my GU344 decided to join the ever growing family of dead and crashed flying things I own.
And ,thus,so far I bought a DJI NAZA to give it a try on something more sophisticated and flyable.

For the moment I have an El-Cheapo 600 chinese X frame (x2 for spares ) waiting for me at home.
Btw, I'm in Austria, wonderfull country, and next week going back home.

Unfortunately (for my wallet) I am hooked up on multicopters and plan on making one able to fly around with my Alpha 55 and have some shots wich I will only be able to obtain if I had my own wings...and I am far from being an angel so I forgot the idea of flying myself :nevreness:

Oh forgot : I'm a big WH40K fan, that's why the Mad Larkin nick.....

See you around in the forum, and I might be asking some kind of weird and idiot questions, so,be kind and rewind :panda:
