Other Benewake LiDAR


Benewake is a company focusing on robots` eyes.

TF-01 is a low cost LiDAR with good performance.

We support all kinds of opensourced flying control like PixHawk, we can also support other flying control once we got the interface. We already add TopXGun, Zerotech, EFY flying control support, looking forward to your reply. And we would love to answer all your questions.

Here is the video for TF-01.

Our official site


The datasheet of our TF-01 is attached below.

If you have any question, please pm or email me.


Or make a phone call at +861057456983 at our working time 9am-8pm GMT+8.

I am working on our ebay store and we`ll let you know once it`s online.


  • DE-LiDAR TF01 Datasheel-V005-EN-SendVer.pdf
    635.8 KB · Views: 1,226
