XAircraft Avrotos too powerful for x650 frame? - you decide....


Took out my quad build for it's first flight a week ago. Had a flip over on the first attempt...then on the second attempt I had another flip over and the plastic motor mounts on the x650 were torqued right off the frame. Thought it was maybe the way I mounted them, so I ordered two new motor mounts and attempted again today. Same thing happened! Any tip over and the Avroto's torqued the motor mounts right off! So, take it for what it's worth, Avrotos (which are amazing) are too robust for x650 frame...or...just don't crash:black_eyed:. Looking forward to my Rusty's frame arriving tomorrow!!!

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I can understand that, Rusty I have the same set up but looking at what you did with the motor mounts I believe you may have torqued the plastic on the mount to much causing it to buckle. It has taken a lot of work on my end. When it came to my motors the screws end up hitting the motor so I took another carbon fiber mount disk and bored out the holes so the head of the screws would clear and allow to have to other plate sit flat. Then from there I found that I was getting to much vibration from the plastic, it just could not handle the motors, so I ended up taking straight pliable aluminum, curving it to my needs, then add electrical tape up the whole arm binding the two together, relieving the pressure off the plastic mount extension.

From their in the mean time which ended up taking 2 months to figure out I built a deck between the landing gear to support my camera mount, while allowing enough room for my battery. Like I said it has taken a long time and now instead of having an agile light craft, I have a 3000g tank. However if I put a 4s 6600mAh battery on it I am getting around 11 minutes for flight time. If I explore other options or had to do it differently I would have taken another path oh well.

However here is a good result of my finished product, a video straight out of the camera, with no anything, no de shacking just raw. I have seen better but I am happy with this, the topic may be boring but it will give a good Idea what you can get out of it if you want.

No matter what you do from here I hope this helps in some way.

stay safe and fly straight

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I have that frame and the weakness is right on the bit where the motor mounts go in to the arms. I had one bad landing where the quad bounced on the legs and flipped on to its side. I noticed that there was a slight crack in the plastic and then on another flight when I let my godson have a try and flying he had a similar sort of landing and the motor mount broke at the same point. I suspect its not so much the motors being too much but the weak point doesnt like being stressed with bad landings. The landing gear is very flexible which means you can bounce if you land poorly.


Awesome video jdhardway!!!! Great skills focusing on the nest. You hit the nail on the head with over-torquing the screws closest to the body. They were actually 1mm higher than the two screws on the ends of the arms, so I tightened them down pretty good so they were level which probably compromised the plastic. BUT, the second try, I didn't tighten them down hard at all and shimmed the outer screws so they would sit even. Then the arm mounts snapped closer in the middle, kind of between the two holes. At that point I made the decision I wasn't paying $8 per mount and 4 days of shipping time every time I even tipped the thing over or rigging the thing...so...I've moved my components over to this puppy and hoping to finish it this weekend. Keeping the extra boom length on the ends to protect the props from a tip over for now.....:shame:

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These frames are pretty awesome and you can create any config you want with the arms. Very sturdy too. I think I'm starting with a quad, then modifying it to a y6.


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