Are these the batteries and charger I want?

Hey team.

My f450 kit with naza v2 + gps is on my desk.
A Taranis & x8r are in transit.

So... as I'm waiting for it to arrive Ive been looking into batteries and chargers.
I read Bartman's sticky and to be honest, it left me more confused than enlightened...

Im having trouble understanding the relationship between lipo cells and prop size.

On another thread I read that if Im running 3s then I should have 10" props and 4s should be 8" props.
Why is that?
Regardless, the kit I got comes with 9443 props.... Does that mean its 9.3"? if so, which batteries would be better?

Ugh.... perhaps Im thinking this too hard...

Ok, so eventually Id like to run this with a gopro and 2 axis gimbal... would I be alright with the props I have and a 4S battery? or should I get a 3S battery?
Ill just get one of each and call it a day.
Are these the ones I want?

Now for Chargers... Ridiculously confusing.
Should I just get this and not look back?
Will it work with the two batteries above?
How long will they take to charge about?
Can I hook this up to my Motorcycle battery to charge the above batteries?

Power Supply.
Will I kill myself if I try this method?

for the TL;DR set:
Noobie just got a f450 with e300 and Naza v2 GPS & Taranis tx x8r rx
Will eventually get 2 axis gimbals for a gopro.
My Props are 9443.
Will both of these batteries work:
Are they well priced?
Will this charge them:
Should I consider a different charger or batteries?
Can I use my motorcyle as a power source?
Will I kill myself if I use this as my power source:


As a thank you ill post picks of my GF.

Answers in bold. Pics please :) lol

Hey team.

My f450 kit with naza v2 + gps is on my desk.
A Taranis & x8r are in transit.

So... as I'm waiting for it to arrive Ive been looking into batteries and chargers.
I read Bartman's sticky and to be honest, it left me more confused than enlightened...

Im having trouble understanding the relationship between lipo cells and prop size.

On another thread I read that if Im running 3s then I should have 10" props and 4s should be 8" props.
Why is that?
Regardless, the kit I got comes with 9443 props.... Does that mean its 9.3"? if so, which batteries would be better?

This means the props are 9.4" with a pitch of 4.3

Which batteries you want also depends on the kv rating (rotation speed) of your motors. If your'e in the 1000-1300kv range, then those numbers are about right. If you start going with lower kv ratings (700-1000), then you might need more cells in the battery and larger props, 11/12" props on a 4s, and 8" props on a 6s. If you're going for a heavy lift, you'll want very low kv motors, lots of cells, and huge props. If you go higher with kv ratings (spin faster, used on agile minis), then you'll need less cells and smaller props, 3s or 4s 5-6" props (Please keep in mind these are estimates, and not all motors are created equal - use ecalc (link below) and manufacturer recommendations for a little more precise measurements.

Ugh.... perhaps Im thinking this too hard...

Ok, so eventually Id like to run this with a gopro and 2 axis gimbal... would I be alright with the props I have and a 4S battery? or should I get a 3S battery?
Ill just get one of each and call it a day.

Again, this depends on your motor size. 9" props may be fine on both 3s and 4s, but one may be more efficient. Have you run the numbers through ecalc yet (
Are these the ones I want?

Those look like decent batteries. Just keep an eye on the comments - you'll get a good feel for what's a decent product and what you should stay away from

Now for Chargers... Ridiculously confusing.
Should I just get this and not look back?
Will it work with the two batteries above?
How long will they take to charge about?
Can I hook this up to my Motorcycle battery to charge the above batteries?

Yes, it will work. It doesn't say what size the bullets are that come with the charger, but if they're 4mm you'll be able to plug them into the discharge port of the battery and charge at a higher amperage more quickly. If they're for some reason a different size, you can also charge through the balance plug (jst-xh), but will not charge as quickly. Yes you can hook it up to any 12v input. It's a 50w charger, so it will need at least 4-5a@12v to have full power. More amperage (which there will be from a motorcycle/car battery) will not hurt it

Power Supply.
Will I kill myself if I try this method?

You shouldn't if you feel comfortable with all of the processes described in the video before starting


As a thank you ill post picks of my GF.

Answers in bold. Pics please :) lol

Very helpful! Thanks for the reply.

However, I have some follow up questions:

My Motors are 2212 920k (DJI e300 propulsion system)
Since I'm lifting the f450, gopro and gimbal (and eventually POV gear) it sounds like you suggest a 4s battery.

Would my 9443 props be alright? or do you still recommend 10"+ props?
Perhaps Ill keep the 9443 to begin with ill are alright to start. Then after I add more gear, up the props to 10"+.

I guess i should find a 4s battery with the best mAh to weight ratio? perhaps 4500 or 5500 if I can find a light one?

Oh Man, How the heel do i use!?
It looks like it would be very helpful if it wasnt so confusing!

Thank you very much though... its been very useful!

Attached is the lady.
I hope the mods dont bring down the hammer!

If anyone has any more input to my situation, Id be happy to share a bit more, you sick-o's! :)
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The recommended props for those motors are 1045@3S and 845@4S. I didn't find a chart, but the 10" may give you a little more thrust (lifting power), but the 8" may be a little more efficient. 9" props should work fine with either - but here's where ecalc comes in very handy!! It's not difficult to use once you've done it a couple times, but I'll try to outline the basics -

General Section -
Leave motor cooling at medium, and set rotors accordingly (4 for quad, 3 for tri, etc). Set Model Weight to your all up weight (this is everything on the copter when it's flying) and the dropdown to incl. Drive, and leave everything else as is.

Battery Cell -
Select your size battery (or one with very similar specs) from the drop down. ProTip - refreshing the page gives you a different list of batteries to choose from

Controller -
This is for your ESC. If you have 25A ESCs with 30A burst, then you'd select max 30a

Motor -
Select your motor's manufacturer, and then select the model. ProTip - Some manufacturer's have a ton of motors, but the list will only display a handful of models. If you switch manufacturers, then switch back to your manufacturer, you may see a new list of motor models (confirmed for Turnigy motors)

Propeller -
Choose your prop, or set it to custom and enter your own information.

Keep in mind that the figures that are output are just an estimate to get you on the right track and see what combinations will have what kind of effect. Things to pay attention to would be Throttle (linear) in the Motor @ Hover section - this is an estimate of how much throttle will be needed for a hover. You want this around 50%. Also keep an eye on the Hover Flight time - again, don't think that this is exactly what your result will be, but you can see what kind of combination is going to get you the best results

Good Luck!
