Another cheap but yet effective dome protection


Hello everyone,

I posted my aluminium dome protecter a few days ago. You can check that out here.

After the crash, dome protection of the AD6 frame was broken. I could use my aluminium protector but I decided to try another protection, a plastic food storage case from IKEA (model name is Reda).

Thanks to drshwe, he suggested this. You can read the thread here.

You can see from the pictures how I mounted it to the center plate. It was super simple, the case is equal or stronger than the standart droidworx dome protection.

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I drilled holes for air flow. I flew around 90 minutes today (no battery pack left! ). The air temp was between 30-35 celcius degrees. The BL Ctrls temp didn't exceed 70 celcius degrees which is under the limits. And, I don't use heatsink for mosfets on the BL-Ctrl.

The holes on the case is not well aligned, I'm going to buy 5 more of these case (cost is around 3$ versus 85$ of DWX standart dome protection :) ). I'm going to drill them more professionally and paint them to different colors. It will be hard to choose which colored protection to put but I guess I'm gonna act how my mood is that day :p


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Draganflyer X4
That looks good, it fits very well. As you say, if you drill the holes a bit better it will look like it's made for the job!


Looks nice, as if it was designed for it. Paint and design some new ones depending on the holidays.


An important thing to consider is to ensure that the cover can not move.
To solve this so I replaced four screws to a little longer.

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