Advise Needed

Hey Guys. Pete Here.
I've been flying RC fixed wing for over 30 years. I got out of the hobby about 4 yrs ago to follow another interest but now I am getting back into it. about 3 months ago I built an X Quad and am learning to fly it. now i would like to step up to the next level. I know from experience this is the worst type of post but I really need help here. This is where I have been and where I would like to go. My quad is an X525 with a KK2 LCD FC. I have flown it with my GoPro onboard and I'm happy with how its all going. Now I would like to step into FPV. The choices and info out there are mind blowing. So I would like to hear from some people that have been there and have tried a few different FC's. The Air Frame and power systems are not of concern only FC. I have done a lot of reading, big mistake, now I'm more unsure. I dont want to outlay big bucks for a NAZA type system just yet but would rather build a component system that I can add to as I go. MWii/AIO, Rabbit, Flycam etc are FC's I have read about. I have Limited computer skills and am still learning about things like PID etc so I need a system that is relatively easy to setup and tune, code is way beyond me so a GUI is a must. I am old and my hand/eye co-ord and reflexes aren't as good as they used to be, so stability is also a must. I would really like to hear from people who have travelled the path I'm on, after all, we all started somwhere. Just your thoughts and your experience's.



If you want a simple GUI then NAZA is probably your best bet. Once you get into projects like Multiwii or similar you need to do a bit more hands on dealing with firmware updates, sketches, GUIs that can be overwhelming, PIDs etc.


Active Member
Hi Pete

Since you are lonesome sitting here for hours; I'll try to give you a few answers:

The good thing is that you don't start from scratch and know the basics about power systems and RC in general.

For FPV:
This depends on what you want....if you only want to enjoy the First Person View while flying, there is not much what you need. A fixed camera, a simple video downlink and some FPV goggles. If your Tx is running on 2.4GHz, your video link should be lower (900 MHz, 1,2 GHz) or higher (5.8 GHz). The lower frequencies are more suitable for long range flights, but I went with 5.8 GHz (due to law regulations in my country) and it works perfectly for my needs.
Once you have decided on the frequency, you need to choose the equipment. Either you get some plug+play stuff like I did in the beginning:

FlyCamOne HD 1080p Pro Set:
incl. MwSt./VAT
excl. Transport


Click to enlar

-FlyCamOne HD 1080p Camera with 96° Lens
-FlyCamOne HD V- Eyes Set
-FlyCamOne HD GPS- Module
-FlyCamOne HD 5,8GHz Transmission Set
-FlyCamOne HD 1080p RX- Cable (Start/Stop/Zoom/Power Supply) .....(Post # 4)


This was my start into FPV and this is by far the easiest anbd troublefree option....just plug and play. Now they have a GPS which will give you OSD (on screen display) which will give you info about battery state, altitude, speed, etc..
One little disadvantage: it is very modular but not easy to expand this system with other, non-Flycamone equipment.

Second option would be something like this: (maybe you don't need the camera...)
More or less the same price range and more open for all sorts of equipment, but probably more complex and "complicated" you need an extra OSD.
The included FatShark goggles are widely used and you can't do anything wrong with them.

If you also want to do what in general is called AP (aerial photography and filming), you need a device called "gimbal" and a gimbal controller, which is supposed to compensate for the Multicopter movement and keep the camera steady. Most flight controls have a gimbal controller built in, but these gimbal controllers are very basic....but at least it gives you something to start with.

For Flight Control:
There is an everlasting debate all over the internet which is the "best" system....and it won't end.

Widely used (and a lot of support avalible) is DJI NAZA+GPS and DJI WooKongM....for my taste pretty easy to set up and tune, but there are any now and then reports about crashes where nobody (until now) really know WHY some of them fail.

More and more people are moving over to Hoverfly Pro: ......Apperantely very stable and a very good support from the Hoverfly guys.

Not so well known but (from my experience) a very good system is the Zero UAV YS-X6:

In general you could say that any "Open Source" -Flight control is a lot more budget friendly than the "commercial" stuff, but needs more time to get the knowledge to set it up.

Hope you can see some light at the end of tunnel....


Thanks guys.
Chris.thanks for the info. I was using the Flycam One some 6 or 7 years ago when they first hit the market here in Aus and to be honest i hadn't put much thuoght into the FPV system, more the flight control. I will certainly check all the links. DJI NAZA is probibly where I will end up but for now I was hoping to find somthing of a smaller investment until I become more competent with flying the airframe with all the gear onboard. Fixed wing AP is somthing I got into years ago (too many) so I am familiar with gimbles and such, I have in the past made my own using cheap heli gyro's with moderate success. My intention it to use my GoPro as AV camera and a CCD for FPV but I think I still have my FC1 somwere, must have a look. As I said I'm kinda "Old school" so I'm still flying JR 36meg (it was gunna cost me a small fortune to convert to 2.4gig back in the day) so video frequency is not really an issue. I will go check the links you Guys posted and keep you up to date on my progress.
Once again, thank you all for your help.


P.S. here is a pic of my baby. Cesna 140b 144" 62cc Zenoha DA ignition 25kg AUW

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Active Member
Pete, you are always welcome to ask anything you need to know....someone here on the forum will always help.

Big respect for your "baby" Cesna.....It's always great to see these bigger birds fly

