About Naza-M V3.1 Firmware

Since the Naza-M V3.10 firmware has been launched, we received some feedbacks that the aircraft cannot be armed after updating and the center position of the stick is abnormal.

We currently suspended the upgrade of firmware V3.10. And DJI will release new firmware in the very near future.

For those who had already upgraded the firmware V3.10, you can use the Assistant Software V1.8 to restore to firmware V2.02, and you can download the software from: http://www.dji-innovations.com/downl...a-m-downloads/


Yes this is a bug. I had it occur. with some tweaking of end points and subtrim on my 9CAP radio I overcame it. V3.10 actually flies pretty nice !


Been swithering over whether to update or not 2.02 working so well for me. Sure we all appreciate your actions here though.
So whats the script with the V2 units? same? Or does this just apply to the V1 FW upgrade.
