
New Member
Hi Guys and Dolls iam a brand new member and thought id introduce my self my name is ozzy iam a fifty year old young man and I live in the south coast of England in a small sea front town called Worthing , I discovered rc control flying a couple of years ago and I love it I have a couple of planes a small cloud surfer and a big ww2 skyraider but then I discovered fpv OMG its brilliant I own a quad a hex I run 5.8 ghz with a 2.4 dx 18 spectrum but I am looking into changing as I want to go fpv lrs and I thought I would pick all your brains to find out what I will need to achieve this I also want to do this from home I want to put a antenna tracker on my roof and fly a vtoll which I haven't made yet I might add and deliver a pint of milk to my brother who lives just under 5 miles away I know this sound silly but there you go, lol even iam laughing :) so please feel free to give me all your knowledge on all matters of fpv lrs stable platforms ,best antennas to use why there the best iam also just joined a radio club to learn about signals and also to require a ham licence as I need to go into MHz well I think that's tht introduction done so when can I start picking brains lol feel free to share your idea,s all the best to you all ozzy


Drone Enthusiast
Welcome aboard Ozzy. Seems like you have been bitten hard by the Multirotor/RC bug :). You have come to the right place for like minded folks who share in your enthusiasm.

I'm not experienced with the long-range FOV, but I'm sure you'll find some advice over in that section.

In terms of proper antennas - I think if you watch the videos by Alex Greeves (ibcrazy) on the forums, you'll learn a ton about this emerging technology.

Have fun and fly safe.
