An Interview with: Loretta Alkalay

An aviation attorney and regulatory consultant to airmen and aviation entities specializing in issues related to compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations and international air safety standards. She is also an adjunct professor at Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology where she teaches Drone Law, International Air Law, Aviation Safety and other courses.
Previously, she was an attorney for the Federal Aviation Administration for over 30 years, more than 20 of those years as Regional Counsel in New York. As head of the FAA’s New York legal office, she was responsible for advice and counsel on all FAA legal matters arising in seven states and enforcement of the Federal Aviation Regulations in those states, the District of Columbia, Europe, the Mid-East, Africa and parts of Asia.
Her students at Vaughn College of Aeronautics first got her interested in drones. This eventually led her to purchase her first drone – Phantom 2 Vision. Currently an owner of five DJI Phantoms, she uses them to photograph her world – in New York, Miami and the Florida Keys – from the air.