
  1. kanevincia

    Other Benewake TE-01

    Hi everyone, This time we brought you with our TE-01, a 360 degree scanning LiDAR. It is a serious LiDAR! It scans 360 degree at 2.8Hz, giving 1000 readings per second. It can be used in both indoors and outdoors! This means you can use it for SLAM and obstacle avoidance. Features: 15m...
  2. kanevincia

    Other Benewake LiDAR

    Benewake is a company focusing on robots` eyes. TF-01 is a low cost LiDAR with good performance. We support all kinds of opensourced flying control like PixHawk, we can also support other flying control once we got the interface. We already add TopXGun, Zerotech, EFY flying control support...