help me

  1. O

    Custom Drone need help

    Hi i have built a 8 prop octo copter and its 1.1m wide, i am using radiolink at10 but am facing a few problems. is there any one that can guide me. i am using pixhawk with missionplanner. the first thing is that made mods to the remote. i added the spring and would like to us the handle set the...
  2. RenegadeEMT

    Help please

    So I'm new to the software systems and programming side but not new to the mechanics of the drone world. I build and have built many DIY Drones including: -Tarot 1100 Octo, 1760 rotors, 300kv Gartt motors, 40amp esc's, 2x 6s batteries, ardupilot 2.8 apm, hobbyking 6s PDB. - I have a custom build...