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  1. R

    KK Flight Controller Kk controller direction arrow

    Hi, This if from the instructions, difficult to see but points exactly between the legs, I'll get the drill out, thanks for your help. Matthew
  2. R

    KK Flight Controller Kk controller direction arrow

    The board points between 1 and 2 As revised photo). Think its KK1, image attached.
  3. R

    KK Flight Controller Kk controller direction arrow

    Hi Pete, It's a hexacopter and the arrow points between 1 and 2. As the arrow doesn't point to 1, wondered if this is why it was so difficult to fly?
  4. R

    KK Flight Controller Kk controller direction arrow

    Hi, I,m new toi hexa copters, bought a frame from China, the KK board arrow points between two of the motors, does this need to change? Also the hex spins, I have checked the props and motor direction, any ideas? I have only done a few hops as it spins like a top! Thanks MAtthew