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  1. J

    Lipo - when is puffy to puffy

    If your LiPo has puffed up it has been over heated. This can happen because of over charging or discharging. I have some cells that were purchased almost ten years ago and they have not puffed and I have a cell that is two months old and it is puffed up because I charged it to quickly. Do not...
  2. J

    Flying Skills and more

    I too bought a cheap little quad so I could learn to fly and I got quite good at chasing the pets, killing the grandkids and upsetting my wife. When it was time to build a camera carrier I thought it would be relitivly easy to fly it.....Wrong! little quad is mode 2, my propper radio is Mode 1...
  3. J

    Hey Guys from Brisbane Oz.

    Hi Everybody! Pete here. Been Flying fixed wing RC for just over 30 yrs and got into multi rotor about 4 months ago. Got an X525 Quad KK2 board, still learning to fly it and having huge fun. So much to take in. Im at the point where I'm doing small figure 8's with confidence (must be due for a...
  4. J

    Advice on battery selection

    Top Program Jes. I have been doing all that with my Emeter and a calculator. not any more !
  5. J

    Advice on battery selection Have a look at this... I have used these motors pulling a large fixed wing (twin 120") for AP, I ran 3 cells on 14x5 props and could get 30min flight times at reduced throttle. for a Multi rotor I think 15" props and more than 3 cells...
  6. J

    Advise Needed

    Thanks guys. Chris.thanks for the info. I was using the Flycam One some 6 or 7 years ago when they first hit the market here in Aus and to be honest i hadn't put much thuoght into the FPV system, more the flight control. I will certainly check all the links. DJI NAZA is probibly where I will end...
  7. J

    Advise Needed

    Hey Guys. Pete Here. I've been flying RC fixed wing for over 30 years. I got out of the hobby about 4 yrs ago to follow another interest but now I am getting back into it. about 3 months ago I built an X Quad and am learning to fly it. now i would like to step up to the next level. I know from...