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  1. L

    Hello All! Newbie here! As new as it gets! LOL

    No spammer here...but you will probably be able to tell I'm a newbie on all fronts including forums, lol. ;) Yeah Bartman...aren't they hot! This guy (from what I've read so don't quote me) started the Q4 frame which the chinese and others have replicated a lot. Check his vid at the bottom of...
  2. L

    Hello All! Newbie here! As new as it gets! LOL

    Hello to all, Just introducing myself. I'm fascinated by the function, versatility, and ingenuity that goes into these birds. I'm a gadget freak at heart so it's not so surprising I guess, lol. I don't fly a copter yet but will in the very near future and I'm in awe of the vast amount of...
  3. L

    Tau Labs Come Out of the Closet - CC Newbes Say Aye

    Aye! Hello all! I'm new to the multicopter world but see fun things in my future! Thanks for having me!