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  1. AerialVue

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Hi Andy It was pretty stressful but an opportunity that could not be missed… how time flies! last tine we flew together was almost three years ago.. I was only looking at the Y6 meet we had yesterday.. How we and technology has moved on eh? D
  2. AerialVue

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Latest Now where near Lec (Zaxis) but we can all try!
  3. AerialVue

    FAA where are we today

    Please keep up your musings.. makes a nice change from working out why Joe's MR is flipping! AV
  4. AerialVue

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    TJ nice work may be best to stay off a bit until the CO gets the hang of it but still some good clips. Bikes and MR's... Great subjects to film. We just are putting together some footage from Antur Stiniog downhill centre in Wales. Heres a few clips we threw together to keep up happy.
  5. AerialVue

    Mikrokopter MK or DJI....

    WKM if you need a commercial platform that will fly every time. With your skills as a RC pilot it wont take long for you to get the hang of it. Denny is right fly well save the post guys time and they'll have you back and back and back again. AV
  6. AerialVue

    FS700 shots

    I would be interested to know editing software you are using and what re-wrapping software you are using/recommend AV
  7. AerialVue

    Sony Lanc / AV cables

    Good info here. Great for sharing this AV
  8. AerialVue

    Integrated MRAP use

    New Bench advert utilising MRAP. An example of integration with traditional footage
  9. AerialVue

    Ground Station/Transmitter Tray Question

    Thanks very much Chris. We are very proactive in promoting MR platforms. We are continually updating our Facebook page as its easy to update on the go and even from the flying site as I have this weekend. We have been in Wales. We were supposed to be filming and photographing some extreme rock...
  10. AerialVue

    Ground Station/Transmitter Tray Question

    Yeh thats ok but the type of dynamic flying services we provide thats a little bit of a no go when your tracking an rider. I would give one of these a whirl but they are out of stock. AV
  11. AerialVue

    Ground Station/Transmitter Tray Question

    We just uploaded a new profile picture on our Facebook page showing our set up. Tripod mounted Lilliput with sunshade. I have wondered about a more mobile solution so you can change your veiwing direction easily as you fly. With a tripod set up this is virtually impossible unless you have an...
  12. AerialVue

    CAA Release CAP722 revision 2012

    The CAA have today published the new revision on CAP722 'Unmanned Aerial System Operations In UK Airspace - Guidence' We are starting to see more pan european approach to SUAS / sUAV / RPA's If anyone is interested in forming a discussion group either...
  13. AerialVue

    Geomagnetig Field disturbances expected

    This is also a VERY useful tool and any professional planning a shoot on a specific day can get a good indication of coverage at their intended flight location. AV
  14. AerialVue

    What's the use of POI flying in aerial photography.....???

    Thanks for the heads up.. Ill go check it out. Been having some server issues. Probably... ;-) When you have invested as much time, effort and money as we have on this technology then you have to explore every income stream. So yes sand dunes, marsh flooding, estuary monitoring, stone...
  15. AerialVue

    What's the use of POI flying in aerial photography.....???

    One good use is repeating the same flight for a Director that wants re take after retake.. the birds flight is perfect but the target does not do what the director wants! If its programmed in then the bird flys the same speed height and heading. The subject can be filmed again again and again...
  16. AerialVue

    DJI WKM Firmware 5.12 Update

    Any news on other forums on the fix for the Octos? 5.12a was supposed to be out by now Dave
  17. AerialVue

    Dirtbike riding

    Good work airfoto. Heres one from us if you ike Dirt! More on our Vimeo site AV
  18. AerialVue

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Some of our work in this. Some fantastic work there Av8chuck
  19. AerialVue

    AerialVue now on facebook

    More news on our face bookpage
  20. AerialVue

    Anyone have a 100% reliable 5.8Ghz video downlink ?

    Antenna Tracking... A big patch antenna (flycamone). We use Lilliput and immersion Diversity RX with antenna tracking and have a very good down link experience. The only time we have drop out is when the copter is directly overhead. If you plan your flight path and Video down link set up and...