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  1. B

    Hi from South West UK

    We are privileged to live here. It's possible we could have a mutual interest re film. I'll get in touch through your Website.
  2. B

    Hi from South West UK

    Fascinated by the work you've done. If you are ever down near Stourhead (BA12 6QE) may I have a look? I'm John by the way. I'll post a question in the appropriate place re Multiwii.
  3. B

    Hi from South West UK

    Thanks for your message. Looking at your Website you're a very serious user of MRs. Don't suppose you have any experience configuring the Multiwii Pro controller?
  4. B

    MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multiwii Pro Arduino compile problems

    I'm going to answer my own question. As I expected the solution was very simple. When setting up the config.h one has to un-remark some lines. I simply forgot to put remarks on the line I was replacing. Quite obvious really.
  5. B

    MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multiwii Pro Arduino compile problems

    I'm really frustrated. I've followed different Web tutorials on setting up the controller but, not matter what I do I can't get Arduino to compile without errors. I tried compiling some of the files that come with Arduino and they compile OK. No matter what version of the Multiwii controller...
  6. B

    Hi from South West UK

    To give you an idea of my age my eldest son is 48. I've flown fixed wing RC since the days of bang bang escapements. Christmas 2013 I got my family to club together to buy me the parts for a multirotor using a KK2 controller. I've enjoyed many flights over the months and landed in trees several...