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  1. C

    A question about the Hobby King Q-brain esc unit

    A question about the Hobby King Q-brain esc unit, So far this is what I am considering , REPTILE500-V3 Quad-Copter Frame With Crab Landing Gear 450000067-0 Multistar 350QX Blade Motor set 4pcs/Box 2209 1200KV 9192000138-0 but have alot of 4S batterys so need to think a bit about that Q...
  2. C

    Hi from a Kiwi in New Zealand North Auckland

    Currently fly fixed wing EP, tried Helicopters but not my style, always liked multi-rotor so here I am, apart from that multis don't have balsa frame so only have to bolt and screw, lot better when I crash, Gravity is really not my friend .. Cheers