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  1. X

    Lipo fire Always charge outside lesson learned.

    Two failsafe features that you may not have checked: 1. Temp probe -- it will cut power if the Lipo exceeds a certain temp during charge 2. Timer -- it will cut off if the time to charge takes longer than a specified time. My iCharger has both features.</SPAN> For others considering what to...
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    Preventing a MR from taking off inadvertently

    I have a board with small elastic ties on it. I hook up the skids to the ties. I also use a 1000mah lipo for bench tests.
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    Flying longer and further

    For electric platforms, fixed wing has much longer flight duration.
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    Motor loss on octo

    cs8, I had a safe landing with my x8 config after loss of a speed controller due to a bad solder from the factory. That's why I do not fly x4. I have to have backup. The "single engine" loss took a little more effort to control yaw, but nothing to prevent accurate flight control and landing. Vince
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    FAA moves toward creating 6 drone test sites in US

    ..Um, yes Lockheed flight planner please… Um yeah this is Ex Vin, Ed. I hate to do this, but I’m going to have to go ahead and ask that you bump your RQ-170 test back for 3 hours. I have to test the new gain settings on my Wookong multirotor and will need the air space up to 10 thousand feet...
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    CBS Sunday Morning interview

    Terry, This can be a good thing for our community, depending on the goal of the reporter. But given the current climate, I recommend you do the following:</SPAN> Practice talking points that emphasize your use of the tool for art. If you do get a question on safety or privacy, be prepared with...
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    So how did I miss Firmware 5.18?

    It adds the ability to set a distance limit.
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    Power use observation after installing IOSD.

    My IOSD is connected to a main 3s 5000mah battery on my x8 cofig. The FPV camera and TX are powered by a separate 1000mah 3/s – only video signal and video ground go through the IOSD. Before adding the IOSD, an 8min flight used 3780, a bit under 500 per minute. After adding the IOSD, the same 8...
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    X8 and gimbal control?

    DJI supports s-bus. The s-bus setup will allow use of DJI ports T and R for your gimbal.
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    WKM returns home far to often !

    Yes, it could be a signal loss. I would check the wiring on the Rx to make sure it's secure, etc. Is your Rx receiving power from the main bat. or separate? I'm on Futaba, so I do not know the config of your Tx, but is the Ant secure, etc?
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    WKM returns home far to often !

    Could it be that you're somehow triggering failsafe with your stick movements while in GPS mode?
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    Props and how important they can be to your video

    Do you check tracking after you balance? Speaking of props, do any of you bother to check tracking? If so, what tolerance do you allow if any?
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    X650 build

    Hey Kilby - When it comes to the xAir prop break, I saw the WKM system react to level and control yaw after the break, but before I could get her on the ground, the dangling GPS antenna hit the second prop. If you think about it, after a prop breaks in the x8 configuration, the computer will...
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    X650 build

    Terry, there is a small benefit to the x8 configuration. With reliable props, redundancy is not a main concern, but you will have ability to lift larger weight with less effort per motor. Mind you this is based on my experience with stock xAir v2 motors and graupner props. The Avrotos are great...
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    XAircraft Exploding props

    TeryN1: It looks like your wooden props are performing well. After two seperate xAir prop breaks, I installed Graupner E-props. Nice flying btw... I thought you were going to fly it into the open door:tennis: