Search results

  1. D

    Don't understand voltage protection

    Stock motors, 10' props with a 30c lipo.
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    Don't understand voltage protection

    I have a 550 loaded as my signature, Running a 3s 8000mah battery. The voltage starting out fully charged is 12.5 to 12.6. I have the first level set to 11.5 and a load of .8. When I see the first level light flash I land and charge. I am finding myself putting back 7400 to 7600 mah which is to...
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    Dji Product Auctions

    In this industry you get tons of heat. Face it penny auctions gave themselves a bad name. It's really a rough industry, if you use bots users bash and file payment disputes. If you run a honest site they say you use bots anyways. One time I have a user buy a bid package and place 3 bids. Since...
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    Dji Product Auctions

    I take care of all manufacture warranty returns myself. As far as promotion here that is your call. Just trying to pass along some great deals. Sorry it you don't find value in what I am trying to offer. Daren
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    Dji Product Auctions

    I am a experienced programmer in this area, I provide custom penny auctions scripts and plugins for my clients. My site is I am not pulling other sites logos, it is a simple image from google images and I can find another. It's purpose was just a copter image. The items...
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    Dji Product Auctions

    The price range is .01 to 1.98for the naza l, within the range their is guaranteed a winner, it don't go over. If you don't understand it don't bash on it.
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    Dji Product Auctions

    That is correct if they are cheating their customers, We do not shill our customers and work off a bid pool type system. Please read through out faq's or how-it-works pages. You can also opt to buy and product at any time to for standard retail price found anywhere so their is no loss ( spent...
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    Dji Product Auctions

    We have opened a new site auctioning Dji products. Stop by and check us out. Don't see a product your interested in let us know. edit: link removed, please don't post it again
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    F550 heavy Lift Upgrade

    Hey Toxifera, really like your setup and am considering cloning it. If you were to do it over knowing what you do now would you change anything?
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    F550 heavy Lift Upgrade

    Hey Toxifera, what gains are you using and what controller?
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    550 3s motor upgrade questions

    What kinda flight times are you getting and isn't the Sunnysky V3508-16 KV700 the same as the T-Motor 3508-16?
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    550 3s motor upgrade questions

    Thank you for your reply, I want to make the best move due to expense and want to increase flight times. If I had to buy new lipos what setup would you recommend.
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    550 3s motor upgrade questions

    New to multirotors and electric flight, so please be kind. I searched the forums on upgrades and found a lot of info but not really related to 3s usage. What I would like to do is upgrade to the following Current weight is now loaded at 3000g - 3200g I believe. Aimdroix arms extended Motor...