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  1. S

    F450 Based Build COPTEROPULOPTER!

    So my F450 ARF kit arrived and this what you I got! Excited to get started building. This thing is smaller than I had imagined. Haven't seen it assembled yet, though. My parts due to arrive next week, including my Tx/Rx, PixHawk FC and Telemetry radios, and 2 3300MAH 4S Batteries and a...
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    Purchased parts for a F450 based Quad, going ahead, what else would I need?

    Okay after battling myself about whether to go RTF, ARF, or Prefab frame only, I decided to go with the F450 starter kit. I followed the advise of the ardupilot website and really spent some money. I could have purchased a complete RTF system for the same price. Let me know if you have any...
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    H.A.L. Build with NTM 35-30 1100KV (My first build)

    Thanks for you reply Jay. It's some good advise. I'm having trouble deciding whether I should spend $800+ building a quad with functionality similar to a DJI Phantom (although possibly a lot more lift/power capability, but lacking the streamlined, impact resistant shell and military...
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    H.A.L. Build with NTM 35-30 1100KV (My first build)

    Thanks Jay! I'll probably look at getting the Taranis Frysky radio combo or maybe another better one. Thanks for the heads up about the servo wires and flimsy T connectors on that frame. I wonder if I could use heatshrink to strengthen them for a quick fix. I might be better off with a more...
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    H.A.L. Build with NTM 35-30 1100KV (My first build)

    I've discovered from reviews that the 9XR is a hateful TX and will probably shell out on a better one, or just the 9X which sounds better then it's newer counterpart.
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    H.A.L. Build with NTM 35-30 1100KV (My first build)

    Hello, hello! So I have selected parts for my first 4-rotor multi and first TX/RX set up. I'm pretty sure it will fly as it's similar to other builds I have seen that fly really well, but I am still unsure about a few aspects that will affect the ability of the craft to fly well etc. Selected...
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    Hi there, from windy Wellington, New Zealand

    Sick! you are really taking it far Dazzab. That gear is incredible and I can see it bankrupting someone keen to see it in action. I'd like to work for a UAV outfit at some stage, perhaps doing IT work for them since that's my field, maybe get into development of flight controllers etc, that way...
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    Hi there, from windy Wellington, New Zealand

    Thanks Stacky, I'll pay his shop a visit. I was just wondering about affordable custom frames from somewhere else besides HK. Awesome.
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    Hi there, from windy Wellington, New Zealand

    Hi Ryan. Sweet! Tell me about your copters, how do they fly in the wellington wind, and what do you get up to with them? :shame:
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    Hi there, from windy Wellington, New Zealand

    Droidworx Aeronavics; I think the price range of these guys' stuff is a little beyond what I would spend and I do want to build my own, but good to know they exist, I could use them for parts and/or use them for ideas for my "heavy lifter" when I built it. If I had a spare 20K laying around...
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    Hi there, from windy Wellington, New Zealand

    Droidworx Aeronavics Awesome, didn't know they existed. I'll give them a look. Thanks.:highly_amused:
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    Hi there, from windy Wellington, New Zealand

    :livid: So Hi, Im Rory, I'm totally new to RC Flying, and Multirotors for that matter, although I have been fascinated with them (multirotors) since they first started appearing in the skies and on Youtube. I am going to start building them and have been collecting information with regard to...