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  1. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Do not purchase anything from 3DR - 3D Robotics. You'll be sorry! Do NOT under any circumstances buy anything from 3DR, 3D Robotics. My story begins on March 10, 2014 and it's not over yet. It should have been over on May, 1, 2014. They, (3D Robotics & Chris Anderson) are now claiming they...
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    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    The story begins on March 10, 2014. It ends today, May 1, 2014. March 10, 2014. Order placed. April 8, 2014. Order delivered broken and with missing pieces. April 10, 2014. Order sent back to California for a refund, repair, or a new unit. April 23, 2014. New Iris arrives. April 25, 2014...
  3. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Thank you to all. I really do appreciate all the time and effort you all have spent here trying to help me get this worked out. Even after all that has happened, I still want to own the Iris. The brief flight I did have was flawless. I just downloaded Mission Planner on my laptop. I will try to...
  4. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    If there is telemetry, I don't know how to get/view it. I haven't connected the Iris to a computer yet. If you can tell me how to get that data, I'd be willing to try. James
  5. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    The Iris is $750.00 new by itself. Yes, that's correct. It won't lock on to satellites. The motors will not arm in loiter, RTL, or autonomous mode. Sorry for the confusion. No logs. I have not connected the Iris to a computer. I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to. (RTF?) When I...
  6. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Well, I'm sorry to inform you all, but the Iris has failed after one flight. After I made the maiden flight three days ago, I went home and charged both batteries. As soon as they were done, I went back to the park to fly. (Two and half hours later!) No go. No GPS signal. It didn't matter how...
  7. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    I couldn't be happier right now. The maiden flight was a success. She's a beauty. Awesome piece of machinery. No regrets. Thank you 3DR. Thank you to all that had anything to do with this issue being resolved. If the mods want to delete this thread, then please do. As far as I'm concerned...
  8. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Sorry for the late response. I didn't make it back in time last night to do anything with the Iris. I just got it all unpacked and together a couple hours ago. So far, so good. The package was delivered in great condition. All the items were in the box. All four motors are seated properly. I...
  9. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    I was mad when I wrote that. I haven't given up on 3DR. They just need to fix a few things before I'll order from them again. I know it's hard to contact CEO's of big companies. I was thankful that he did respond and somewhat surprised. I was hoping for a solution. Not another round of...
  10. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    I had already asked for help 1000000000000000 times to no avail. That's why I contacted Chris as a last resort. I didn't respond with just, "yes" please help because my first email to him was, "asking him for help." There was obviously a problem and for him to ask me if I wanted extra help was...
  11. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Advice taken. Letter sent to Chris Anderson via PM. Here is the conversation. This will be my last post on this subject. The conclusion is at the bottom for those who choose not to read it all. ************************** First email to Chris Anderson via PM ************************** Subject...
  12. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Still no resolution. Several emails stating they have sent me an antenna and a bag of screws. Still haven't been able to get anyone on their phone. They won't call my phone which actually works. I seriously advise anyone looking to purchase anything from 3DR to look elsewhere. There will be NO...
  13. 2

    3DR Iris - 30 day wait. Huge disappointment!

    Just wanted to let people know about my experience with 3DR. I ordered Iris from 3DR back in March. I just got it on 4/8/2014 after 28 days. This is how I received it. Missing the main antenna. Also missing were two screws that hold in the motors. A third screw fell out when I was packing...