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  1. R

    Probably not a good idea to fly using GPS tomorrow
  2. R

    When good flights go bad

    It was bound to happen... Today I had my first crash. My best guess is that a prop exploded in midair and then gravity decided to slap my poor little Gaui.
  3. R

    Ahhhh! First flight not going well

    OK, so I finished my AD-4 last night and was ready for the first flight but things aren't going as planned. The motor idle speed seems way too fast and once I start giving some throttle I get major shaking throughout the booms. Giving a lot more gas sometimes seems to stop the shaking...
  4. R

    Flare from LEDs

    Does anyone have problems with flare or other issues in your photos/videos due to LED lights on the booms? It seems to me the LEDs are so bright that they could easily cause issues in your images. I'm thinking at a minimum I may put all my front boom lights on a switch so they can easily be...
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    Hello from Northern California

    I figured it was time for a proper introduction. Hello. I'm Rob and for the past 18 years, I've called Northern California my home. I'm originally from the East Coast (Jersey boy) and I made up my mind a long time ago that I will never move back. I'm a photo geek that majored in Photography in...
  6. R

    New motors - one is harder to spin than the others

    Tonight I mounted my new Avroto 2814s motors and I noticed that one of the motors (all brand new) is much more difficult to spin than the others. On all but one of the motors I can give them a quick spin with my fingers and they rotate 2-3 full spins before stopping. On the other motor, with the...
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    Droidworx WKM Builds - Power Distribution

    I just started a new Droidworx AD-4 HL build using a DJI WKM as the flight controller and Maytech 30A ESCs. I'm trying to find a good power distribution solution and I can't seem to nail one down. - Wiring harness - Distribution board - Magic - Big copper ring If you have completed a DW build...
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    New build - AIL and ELEV seem swapped

    Just finished my new Gaui 500x build with WKM and when testing the AIL and ELEV seem swapped. If I move AIL right the Gaui pitches back. AIL left pitches forward. If I pull ELEV back the GAUI rolls right and ELEV forward rolls left. Rudder and Throttle are correct. I have checked and rechecked...