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  1. N

    Tarot 2D Brushless gimbal gains issue

    thanks Maverick. I am glad to know.
  2. N

    Tarot 2D Brushless gimbal gains issue

    thanks a lot for the info XAircraft America. this is just I wanted to hear. I read in one of the forums that if I use UBEC that it will create noise on the video Tx. is that true? if not, is that OK to use second UBEC for the Tx from the main power(board)? thanks for the help.
  3. N

    Tarot 2D Brushless gimbal gains issue

    hi Xaircraft America I have tarot gopro gimbal and i am using 2x4s 5800mah lipo on my Tarot Fy680 with power board. I have tried the gimbal with this set up. the gimbal went crazy. I thought that I have fried the gimbal board. so I have just ordered UBEC 12v 4.5A from hobbyking. my question...
  4. N

    Tarot 2D Brushless gimbal gains issue

    hi everyone, I have tarot gopro gimbal working and i am using 2x4s 5800mah lipo on my Tarot Fy680 with power board. I have just ordered UBEC 12v 4.5A from hobbyking. my question is that if my tarot gimbal can work with this UBEC properly? on the gimbal manual it says 0.5A max. the UBEC is 4.5A...