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  1. I

    So many props...

    Thanks, eventually when I'm able to fly without crashing as much I'd like to get some "good" props. For now, the cheaper the better.
  2. I

    So many props...

    Where is everyone getting their props from? Between my newness and an un-dialed in KK2 board I'm going through a lot of props. I've ordered from HK and looked around at other places but I can't find a good, read cheap and fast shipping, place to get 10x4.5 props from. I've probably flown 3-4...
  3. I

    Asked a Thousand Times

    I would agree with the suggestion to start small. A few months ago I picked up a Syma X1 from Amazon for just a little under $40. It was the best money spent on at multirotor. It may not be as agressive as some of the others out there but for a beginner it is totally worth what I paid for it...