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  1. T

    Mikrokopter i2c Problems, FC to BL error 17

    Okay update time, after solderng in the new Brushless Controllers (BLs) I was relieved to see the I2C issues went away.. Just for other people intending to do this, you need a fair amount of heat around the capacitors, I had to enlist the help of my teenage sons and put a second iron on...
  2. T

    Mikrokopter i2c Problems, FC to BL error 17

    Hi Alex, Thanks, will see what transpires when I connect in the new BL's, hopefully tomorrow. I don't get as far as being able to power up the motors. BR Trev.
  3. T

    Mikrokopter i2c Problems, FC to BL error 17

    Hi all, After a short excursion to ground and some blown BL controllers I seem to have an i2C FC to BL error. I've disconnected the non functional controllers (i2c bus wise anyway) and while I wait for the spares I would like to get a handle on the above error. I have checked the connection...