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  1. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    dear xaircraft: Can you give me part number for new propeller series. I need order some propellers
  2. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    ok. where can I buy these props. I never seen that propellers. Can you tell to cnc why sell poor propellers because I bought 20 pairs of olders props and now i need . Can you send me pics of news props
  3. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    Xaircraft broken Dear support team-Xaircraft Usa I have two Xair V8 copters broken 1 moth ago ( arm, ESC, Blades legs, frame cover,load munting pipe etc. I bought these copters two CNC. That people told me Contact With Jinchen for support. Xaircraft china told me send to china for repair. I...
  4. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    Can you give me Size for graupners. Thanks
  5. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    HI wHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR 10X4.7 apc PROPS ELECTION. i WANT MAKE THIS CHANGE. Do you make more changes? jairo
  6. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    I have the same problem. Now i dont now what i think. You need change all motor for different brand for new blades. I wrote to Jinchen xaircraft zero support. I am very dissapoinmet with this brand.
  7. J

    XAircraft Exploding props

    I had the same problem with my x8v copter Propellers broken in fly. I had two fatal crashes. I am very dissapoinment.