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  1. T

    Hoverfly Switching from MK to HF - is it worth it?

    Receivers? I just received my HoverFly Pro board... and am about to order a Cinefly 8 airframe, camera gimbal, etc. My question is about receivers. I spent a couple of very frustrating weeks playing with an Arducopter Quad, and in the process of trying to get it airworthy, I learned that a...
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    Hoverfly Praise for Hoverfly...

    Benjamin, That's great! I'm glad to hear that things are working out as planned... I'll be placing an order with Quadrocopter and HoverFly this next week! -Taylor
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    Hoverfly Praise for Hoverfly...

    Hey Benjamin Rowland.... I'm just back from NAB.... met Tabb Firchau, Jeff Scholl, and Kimberley Attwell in person, and I'm very close to pulling the trigger on the same Cinestar 8 / HoverFly set-up that you are putting together. How is it going ? Tabb is coming out with his own flight...